Alketa Peci
Professor of public administration and government
I am a Full Professor at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE), Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro (
Current Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (Revista de Administração Pública - RAP) - the leading journal of public administration in Brazil.
President of ANPAD (The Brazilian Academy of Management) for the 2021-2023 period.
Visiting professor of comparative public administration at the University Institute of Lisbon, ISCTE, Portugal, since 2015.
Vice-Chair of Committee of the Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), United Nations.
As a native of Albania, I completed my undergraduate studies in management at the University of Tirana, in 1996. At that time, I was awarded a scholarship for master studies in international relations, in Italy, where I had the opportunity to visit the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (Institute for Industrial Reconstruction). The institute was an Italian public holding company that took a leading role in that country’s “economic miracle” based on a formula of state intervention and collaboration between public and private capital. This experience, as well as major political and economic transformation from shifting regimes in Albania, shaped my interest in the public sector.
In Brazil, I completed a Master in Public Administration and PhD in Management at FGV EBAPE, with a period as visiting researcher at George Washington University, US, in 2004.
I was hired by FGV EBAPE in 2000 as a researcher, promoted to assistant professor in 2004, and to associate professor in 2013.
At EBAPE, I teach in the Phd, Msc and Professional Master in Public Administration programs.
From July 2018 to July 2019, during my sabbatical leave, I was granted a senior researcher scholarship from CAPES/BR and visited the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR), at the London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE, UK, led by professor Martin Lodge.
I coordinated the Msc in Public Administration program and the new Professional Master in Public Administration.
I have supervised more than 40 PhD, Msc and MPA candidates.
Full CV access:
My research has been guided by a genuine interest in bureaucratic transformations, substantively informed by an organizational theory perspective.
I have contributed to the understanding of the rise and dynamics of “independent” bureaucratic institutions, such as Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs) and Audit Offices, in the Latin American context, and more specifically Brazil.
In the last 10 years, I have been studying the adoption of the "better regulation agenda" and the professional careers of the regulators.
My research agenda also addresses administrative reforms, with a focus on public-nonprofit collaborations.
Currently, I am working on following research projects:
*bureaucratic reputation and representation effects on policy audiences;
*media reputation as a strategic resource for public agencies;
*the role of intangible resources on public-nonprofit collaborative performance.
Selected Publications
DE PILLA, Leonardo Henrique Lima; PECI, Alketa; LEITE, Rodrigo de Oliveira. Is the State a Socially Responsible Shareholder? State-Owned Enterprises, Political Ideology, and Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, p. 1-21, 2024.
DE PILLA, Leonardo Henrique Lima; SILVEIRA, E. B. C., CALDEIRARO, F., PECI, A., & AGGARWAL, I. Corporate governance and innovation: a predictive modeling approach using machine learning. R&D Management, 2024.
ROBERTS, A., RESH, W., BASU, R., ONYANGO, G., SULLIVAN, H., PECI, A., KAPUCU, N. SCHOMAKER, R. MELE, V. (2023). Roundtable: How do We Connect Public Administration and Human Rights? Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, gvad010.
PECI, Alketa; RAMALHO, Pedro Ivo ; PEREIRA, F. S. F. . INSTITUCIONALIZANDO A REGULOCRACIA:UMA ANÁLISE DA TRAJETÓRIA HISTÓRICA DA ANVISA. Revista do Serviço Público (Brasília), v. 74, p. 613-633, 2023.
MENEZES, Aline Bretas ; PECI, Alketa (2023). The benefits of nonprofit reputation: Government funding, nonprofit performance, and nonprofit reputational gains. Public Administration Review . 1 (1-18).
GONZALÉZ, C. I., & PECI, Alketa. (2022). Regulatory reforms, normative changes, and performance: Evidence from the electricity sector in Latin America. Regulation & Governance.
PECI, Alketa, GONZALÉZ, Camilo Ignacio, Dussauge-Laguna, Mauricio I. (2022). Presidential policy narratives and the (mis)use of scientific expertise: Covid-19 policy responses in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Policy Studies.
FONTOURA, Yuna ; KRIEGER, Morgana; PECI, Alketa . "No turning back": The emergence and settlement of GMO hegemony in Brazil. Journal of Rural Studies, v. 89, p. 357-368, 2022.
PECI, Alketa. (2021). Populism and Bureaucratic Frictions: Lessons From Bolsonarism. Journal of Policy Studies, 36(4), 27-35.
PECI, Alketa. Agencies in the news? Public agencies' media evaluations in a low-trust context. Governance. 2021.
DANTAS CABRAL, André; PECI, Alketa; VAN RYZIN, Gregg G. Representation, reputation and expectations towards bureaucracy: experimental findings from a favela in Brazil. Public Management Review, p. 1-26, 2021.
PECI, Alketa. AVELLANEDA, Claudia Nancy, SUZUKI, Kohei. Governmental responses to COVID-19 pandemic. Revista de Administração Pública. V.55, pg 1-11, 2021
PECI, Alketa; MENEZES SANTOS, Aline ; PINO OLIVEIRA DE ARAÚJO, Bruno CÉSAR . ? Career paths of Brazilian regulators. Regulation & Governance, v. 1, p. rego.12348-31, 2020
PECI, Alketa; RUDLOFF PULGAR, Osvaldo Christian. Autonomous bureaucrats in independent bureaucracies? Loyalty perceptions within supreme audit institutions. Public Management Review , v. 1, p. 1-22, 2018.
PECI, Alketa; OQUENDO, Mirtha Iris ; MENDONÇA, Patricia . Collaboration, (Dis)trust and Control in Brazilian Manufactured Public/Non-profit Partnerships. Voluntas , v. 1, p. 1-15, 2018.
BRULON, Vanessa ; PECI, Alketa . Disputas do Estado em Favelas: O Campo Burocrático e o Capital Espacial. RAC. Revista de Administração Contemporânea (online), v. 21, p. 524-544, 2017.
PECI, Alketa; D`ASSUNÇÃO, Marcio ; HOLPERIN, Michelle ; DE SOUZA, Celso Florencio . Regulation inside government: The challenges of regulating a government-owned utility. Utilities Policy , v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.
PECI, Alketa; FORNAZIN, Marcelo. The knowledge-building process of public administration research: a comparative perspective between Brazil and North American contexts. International Review of Administrative Sciences , v. 1, p. 1-21, 2016.
FURTADO, Liliane ; SOBRAL, Filipe João Azevedo ; PECI, Alketa . Linking demands to work-family conflict through boundary strength. Journal of Managerial Psychology , v. 31, p. 1327-1342, 2016.
PECI, Alketa; QUINTELLA, L. ; CARDOSO, R. L. . Auditing government-nonprofit relations in the Brazilian post-reformist context. BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, v. 9, p. 4, 2012.
ALVES, Flavia Neves Rocha ; PECI, Alketa . Análise de Impacto Regulatório: uma nova ferramenta para a melhoria da regulação na Anvisa?. Revista de Saúde Pública (USP. Impresso) , v. 45, p. 802-805, 2011.
PECI, Alketa; FIGALE, Juliana ; SOBRAL, Filipe . THE INVASION OF MANUFACTURED CIVIL SOCIETY: GOVERNMENT-NONPROFIT PARTNERSHIPS IN A BRAZILIAN STATE. Public Administration and Development (Print) , v. 31, p. 377-389, 2011.
PECI, Alketa; SOBRAL, Filipe . Regulatory Impact Assessment: How political and organizational forces influence its diffusion in a developing country. Regulation & Governance, v. 5, p. 204-220, 2011.
PECI, Alketa . Organization (London) , v. 16, p. 289-301, 2009.
PECI, Alketa; VIEIRA, Marcelo Milano Falcao . The discursive formation of a scientific field. Management & Organizational History (Print), v. 4, p. 85-104, 2009.
PECI, Alketa; FREITAS, A. ; SOBRAL, F. A. . O dilema qualidade versus quantidade no ensino em administração pública: uma análise da experiência norte-americana. Cadernos EBAPE.BR (FGV), v. ed.esp, p. 1-11, 2008.
For more publications, access:
1.PECI, Alketa. Regulação no Brasil: desenho, governança, avaliação. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007. v. 1. 207p .
2.SOBRAL, FILIPE.; PECI, Alketa . Administração - teoria e prática no contexto brasileiro. 1. ed. São Paulo: Pearson Education, 2007. v. 1. 658p .
3.PECI, Alketa; SARAVIA, Enrique; BRASÍLICO, Edson Américo (Org.) Regulação, Defesa da Concorrência e Concessões. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2002. v. 3000. 192p .
PECI, ALKETA; Cabral, Andre ; Lee, Eunji; BRULON, V. . A Janus-faced Public Administration and Race. In: Amanda Rutherford, Kenneth J. Meier. (Org.). Race and Public Administration. 1ed.: Taylor & Francis, 2020, v. , p. 165-.
PECI, Alketa. Estado Regulador na América Latina. In: Pedro Luiz Costa Cavalcante; Mauro Santos Silva. (Org.). Reformas do estado no Brasil : trajetórias, inovações e desafios. 1ed.Brasilia: IPEA, 2020, v. 1, p. 529-554.
PECI, Alketa; RAGAZZO, C. E. J. ; BRAGANCA, G. G. F. ; ROCHA, K. . RISCO REGULATÓRIO E EFEITOS SOBRE INVESTIMENTOS: UMA AGENDA DE MELHORIA REGULATÓRIA E DE FORTALECIMENTO DA GOVERNANÇA INSTITUCIONAL. In: João Alberto De Negri, Bruno César Araújo, Ricardo Bacelette. (Org.). Desafios da Nação: artigos de apoio. 1ed.Brasilia: IPEA, 2018, v. 2, p. 503-538.
PECI, Alketa; VIEIRA, A. . AGÊNCIAS REGULADORAS INDEPENDENTES? ANÁLISE DAS TRAJETÓRIAS DE CARREIRA DOS REGULADORES FEDERAIS BRASILEIROS. In: João Alberto De Negri, Bruno César Araújo, Ricardo Bacelette. (Org.). Desafios da Nação: artigos de apoio. 1ed.Brasilia: IPEA, 2018, v. 2, p. 539-558.
PECI, Alketa. Regulatory Reform and a Better Regulation Agenda: Traveling from Center to Periphery. In: Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku, T.K. Lah. (Org.). The Routdledge Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. 1ed.London: Routledge, 2016, v. , p. 251-266.
PECI, Alketa. Regulatory Impact Analysis in Latin America. In: Claire A. Dunlop and Claudio M. Radaelli. (Org.). Handbook of Regulatory Impact Assessment. 1ed.Cheltenham,: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, v. , p. 220-.
PECI, Alketa; Lacerda, Daniel ; BRULON, V. . Organizing culture in favela Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro: the dynamics of precarity. In: Katarzina Kosmala and Miguel Imas. (Org.). Precarious spaces. 1ed.Bristol, Chicago: Intelect, 2016, v. , p. 211-228.
PECI, Alketa. Verbete: Regulação. In: Geraldo Di Giovanni; Marco Aurélio Nogueira. (Org.). Dicionário de Políticas Públicas. 2ed.São Paulo: Fundap, 2015, v. , p. 1-1072.
PECI, Alketa. Regulação e Administração Pública. In: Sérgio Guerra. (Org.). Regulação no Brasil: uma visão multidisciplinar. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2013, v. , p. 98-.
PECI, Alketa. Desenho de uma estratégia de implantação e institucionalização da AIR. In: Jadir Dias Proença. (Org.). Contribuições para melhoria da qualidade da regulação no Brasil.. Brasilia: Semear, 2010, v. 1, p. 21-80.
PECI, Alketa. Sistema de seleção de diretores e do pessoal de gerência superior das agências reguladoras. In: Jadir Dias Proença. (Org.). Contribuições para melhoria da qualidade da regulação no Brasil. Brasilia: Semear, 2010, v. 2, p. 133-200.
PECI, Alketa. Agencias reguladoras en el contexto de la posprivatizacion de Brasil y su análisis crítico. In: Navarro, Freddy Mariñez;Cantú, Vidal Garza. (Org.). Política Pública y democracia en América Latina: Del análisis a la implementación. 1ºed.México: Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2009, v. , p. 293-308.
PECI, Alketa. Os discursos e a construção do real: um estudo do processo de formação e institucionalização do campo da biotecnologia. In: Paulo Roberto Motta; Roberto Pimenta; Elaine Tavares. (Org.). Novas idéias em administração 2. 1ªed.Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2008, v. 2, p. 53-89.
PECI, Alketa. Regulação Comparativa: uma (des)construção dos modelos regulatórios. In: Alketa Peci. (Org.). Regulação no Brasil: desenho, governança, avaliação. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007, v. 1, p. 72-92.
PECI, Alketa. O simbólico e o real: as contribuições das teorias não dicotômicas. In: Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri;Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva;. (Org.). Simbolismo Organizacional no Brasil. 1ed.São Paulo: Atlas, 2007, v. 1, p. 161-198.
PECI, Alketa; SOBRAL, F. A. ; CARVALHAL, E. . Culture and negotiation : identifying the Brazilian negotiation style. Le développement des entreprises à l?international :regards sur le Brésil Paris. 1ed.Paris: ESCP-EAP, 2007, v. , p. 189-210.
PECI, Alketa. Pressupostos e contradições das reformas de gestão pública. In: Proyecto de Modernización del Estado ? Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros de la Nación Argentina; FGV/ Ebape. (Org.). ?Diálogo Brasil Argentina sobre Gestão Pública Contemporânea?. 1ºed.Buenos Aires: Proyecto de Modernización del Estado, 2007, v. 1º, p. 342-346.
PECI, Alketa. Reforma regulatória no Brasil da pós-privatização. In: Paulo Emílio Matos Martins;Octavio Penna Pieranti. (Org.). Estado e Gestão Pública: Visões do Brasil Contemporâneo. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: FGV Editora, 2006, v. , p. 159-187.
PECI, Alketa; CAVALCANTI, Bianor Scelza . Além da (re)forma do aparelho do Estado: para uma nova política de gestão pública. In: Bianor Scelza Cavalcanti; Marco Aurelio Ruediger; Rogerio Sobreira. (Org.). Desenvolvimento e Construção Nacional: Políticas Públicas. 1ªed.Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2005, v. , p. 45-68.
PECI, Alketa. Além da dicotomia objetividade-subjetividade. In: Marcelo Milano Falcão Vieira; Deborah Moraes Zouain. (Org.). Pesquisa Qualitativa em Administração. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2004, v. , p. 29-49.
Policy contributions
Policy Advisor PRO-REG
Program to Strengthen the Institutional Capacity for Regulatory Management (PRO-REG), The Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic.
- Strategy for the Institutionalization of Regulatory Impact Assessement (RIAs);
- Recruitment and Selection of Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs) board members;
- Quality of consumption in regulated markets
Chief-Research ENAP
Coders in the Public Service
GesPublica: Department of Planning
Assessing user satisfaction of government services: a guide
National Audit Office (TCU)
Auditing the regulators: modernization of the TCU`s department responsible for auditing regulated utilities.
Partnership for Market Readiness
Advisor for Impact Assessment methodology
Testemony in the National Congress
Participation as a policy expert of administrative reform proposal
Awards & International Highlights
Research awards
I am the recipient of two of the most prestigious awards of the Brazilian academia:
Bolsa Produtividade - CNPq
Cientista do Nosso Estado - FAPERJ
Member of The United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA)
Leader of "Public Service Workforce" working group
The International Commission on the Accreditation of Public Administration and Training Programs (ICAPA)
Member of the ICAPA BOARD
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance (PPMG)
Member of the Editorial Board
In the Media
A selection of media articles
O "Enem" dos concursos públicos é mais justo
Reforma Administrativa
A reforma do Estado é uma construção permanente. With Gabriela Lotta & Francisco Gaetani
Burocracia à brasileira. With Francisco Gaetani
O que se espera do Estado na gestão da crise da pandemia? With Sergio Lazzarini
In the Media
"Quarta' crise da gestão publica
O governo que governa como oposição.
Acabar com a estabilidade no serviço público: solução ou problema?. With Marcelo Marchesini and Gabriela Lotta
In the Media
Burocracia Irracional Legal
Um "país de maravilhas" onde se governa sem conchavos.
O papel da burocracia na corrupção e no combate a ela.
Alketa Peci
Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 - Botafogo
+55 21 3083 2449